When changing the legal address, this fact must be reflected in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, including in the case when this data is not there for some reason. As with any other changes, in this case, you need to contact the tax office with a package of necessary documents.

It is necessary
- - a statement in the p13001 form, certified by a notary;
- - minutes of the general meeting of founders with a decision to change the legal address or a sole decision of the sole founder;
- - change in the charter or charter in a new edition;
- - receipt of payment of state duty;
- - a copy of the charter;
- - a request to the tax office to make a copy of the charter;
- - receipt of payment of state duty for making a copy of the charter;
- - lease agreement for premises at a new address.
Step 1
Prepare a package of internal documents on the change of legal address: minutes of the general meeting of founders with the corresponding decision or a sole decision, if there is only one founder, draw up changes to the charter or make a new version reflecting the current legal address. regions, check with your tax or registering office if there is one in your area).
Step 2
Fill out the application on the P13001 form. The form can be found on the Internet or taken from the tax office.
In the section for information and legal entity, indicate information about the company based on the constituent documents. In the section on the reason for the changes, mark item "b" - change of the address of the location of the organization. Fill in the appropriate fields on sheet B. The completed application must be signed by a representative of the organization who has the right to sign without a power of attorney, in the presence of a notary who will apply his visa to the document.
Step 3
A request for a copy of the charter is not required everywhere. In Moscow, it should be included in the package of documents, in other regions it may be different. If you need it, you will have to pay an additional state fee for making a copy of the charter.
Step 4
Details for payment of state fees and their amount can be found in the tax office. To generate a payment, use the appropriate service available from the main page of the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. Make payment from a current account or in cash through Sberbank.
Step 5
If a person who does not have the right to sign on behalf of the organization without a power of attorney will submit and collect papers, you will have to issue these documents in his name. The signature of the head of the organization and its seal are enough for certification.
Step 6
The finished package of documents must be handed over to the tax office and within 5 working days, if everything is in order, receive a certificate of amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in terms of the legal address.