When paying a bonus out of the profits of an organization, the management and the accountant may have a number of questions related to this process. But the legislation of our country gives answers and explanations to each of them.

- - the tax code of the Russian Federation;
- - profit.
Step 1
The awards are divided into production and non-production. The production bonus must be prescribed in labor and collective agreements, and in the provision on bonuses in the organization. This monetary remuneration is paid when certain labor indicators are achieved, being a stimulating factor.
Step 2
On the basis of article 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the production bonus is considered economically justified and aimed at generating income for the company. In this regard, and in accordance with Article 255 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, these payments are attributed to expenses related to labor remuneration and reduce taxable profit.
Step 3
Non-production bonuses are one-off and are paid in connection with a specific event, such as a birthday. There are two sources of such payments. The first is retained earnings for previous years. The second is the profit of the reporting period, which was received from the current work of the company. Therefore, this remuneration does not reduce the tax base for income tax.
Step 4
The profit that remains after taxes are paid is at the disposal of the owners of the organization. If a decision is made to pay a premium from this type of income, it must be agreed upon at the general meeting of shareholders and indicated in the minutes. In the case when the founder is alone, he alone makes such a decision, which must also be drawn up in writing. At the same time, an order is issued, which specifies the conditions for issuing an award.
Step 5
Basically, the payment of non-production bonuses is carried out after the end of the reporting year, when the annual financial statements have already been formed. Account 84 is debited from account 99. In accounting, the amount of the premium is posted: Debit 84 Credit 70. If it was decided to make payments from the profit of the reporting period, month or quarter, this payment refers to unrealized expenses on the debit of account 91 "Other income and expenses".
Step 6
Income bonuses, along with other employee benefits of organizations, are subject to personal income tax. The reason for this is subparagraph 6 of paragraph 1 of Article 208 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. But if the employee was encouraged not with a sum of money, but with a gift, the value of which does not exceed 4,000 rubles, personal income tax is not withheld. At a higher value of the gift, the difference is included in the employee's income, which is taxable.
Step 7
If you issue a non-production bonus to an employee not on the day of salary, but for a specific event, you must pay the accrued amount of personal income tax on the day you receive this money from the bank. If the bonus is issued in the form of a gift, the payment of personal income tax occurs the next day after it is deducted from the employee's profit.