A review of a work is usually a brief description of a scientific or technical development, which is written by its manager or customer. Like any document, it has its own structure and must contain several mandatory sections. This list will include a brief description of the issue that is devoted to the development, assessment of the content and the advantages and differences that this work has. The review should also note the existing shortcomings, give an assessment of the practical significance and the assessment of this work.

Step 1
The review is written on standard A4 sheets and drawn up in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork.
Step 2
Write a heading containing the word "Review" and indicate the subject for which you are assessing - thesis, scientific work, scientific and technical development.
Step 3
Describe the issue to which the work is devoted, assess the relevance of its condition and the need for a solution. It is possible to make a comparison with the existing world and Russian analogues, indicate the differences.
Step 4
Give a brief description of the structure of the work and the content of its sections.
Step 5
Estimate the merits of the work, the quality of its performance. If there are any shortcomings, write about them and separately indicate those that must be eliminated within a certain time frame.
Step 6
Tell us about the practical significance of the work, how its results will affect economic indicators or increase labor productivity. Tell us what this work will give in scientific terms or for production.
Step 7
Give a direct assessment of the work in terms of quality - "Excellent", "Good" or "Satisfactory".
Step 8
Sign the job with all your rank and title.