In case of absence of an employee at the workplace, late arrival or other disciplinary offense, he should be reprimanded and issued an appropriate order. The reason for this is the memorandum of the head of the structural unit and the employee's explanatory note, which indicates a disrespectful reason for the misconduct.

It is necessary
- - employee documents;
- - forms of relevant documents;
- - documents of the organization;
- - company seal;
- - Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
Step 1
If the employee is absent from the workplace, draw up an act. This document should be signed by three witnesses - employees of the organization. Indicate the date and time of its writing, last name, first name, patronymic of the absent employee, the position he occupies.
Step 2
When an employee appears at the workplace, demand from him to write an explanatory note indicating the reason for the absence or delay for a certain time. The employee must put a personal signature and the date of writing the explanation, attach documents confirming a good reason. If the reason is disrespectful, you should reprimand him.
Step 3
Draw up a memorandum on the basis of the act and the employee's explanatory note. In it, indicate the absence of a specialist. Suggest measures to be applied to this worker. The head of the structural unit has the right to sign the note. The document is sent for consideration to the director of the enterprise, who needs to affix a resolution on it with the date and signature.
Step 4
Draw up an order, in the head of which write the full and abbreviated name of the enterprise in accordance with the constituent documents or the surname, name, patronymic of an individual, if the legal form of the company is an individual entrepreneur. After the name of the document, indicate the number and date of the order. Write the name of the city where your organization is located. Write in the subject of the order, which in this case corresponds to the reprimand. Indicate the reason for drawing up the document, which in this case corresponds to being late for a certain time or being absent from the workplace.
Step 5
In the administrative part of the order, indicate the fact of the reprimand. The reason for this is the violation of labor discipline. Be guided by article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Enter the last name, first name, patronymic of the employee, the name of his position, structural unit. Assign responsibility for the execution of the order to a staff member.
Step 6
Certify the order with the seal of the enterprise and the signature of the head of the organization. Familiarize the reprimanded specialist with the signed document.