The upcoming conversations with the bosses make many employees nervous. After all, the chef is a person on whom your well-being largely depends, so you need to talk with him carefully so as not to provoke anger on yourself and achieve your request.

Step 1
If you are talking to your boss on the phone, take the trouble to find a quiet place where you can pick up the connection well, and there is no continuous stream of cars passing by. It is unlikely that the boss will tolerate if you repeatedly ask him what he said, and the connection will be regularly interrupted.
Step 2
Prepare the documents that you plan to refer to during the conversation. If you do business from home, sit down at your workplace, turn on your computer or laptop, run the necessary programs. Do not forget to ask your pets not to distract you from an important conversation, and remove pets from the room that may interfere with you.
Step 3
Call your boss to find out if he is busy, if he can spare you a few minutes. Seminars, conferences, meetings - your boss isn't always ready to chat with you. If the boss doesn't answer or drops your call, you shouldn't keep calling insistently unless you have a life or death issue. Better call him back in a couple of hours or wait for your boss to free himself and dial you himself.
Step 4
Do not start a conversation with the words-parasites "well", "this", "you know, such a thing, I don't even know how to say it." No one likes it when the interlocutor hesitates and stumbles. If you're too worried, write down what you intend to tell your boss on a piece of paper. In case you lose the ability to form articulate phrases, just read the words from the sheet.
Step 5
Do not use slang expressions unless you and your boss are close friends. It is better to appear in front of the boss as a polite person with a good literate speech than cool and advanced.
Step 6
Speak loudly, clearly, and calmly. Even if you are a humble gray mouse, make sure that your boss hears you. In a personal conversation, the boss may come closer, but in a conversation on the phone, he will most likely prefer to curtail the conversation, and you will never be able to convey the necessary information to him.
Step 7
Be specific and to the point - save your time and your boss's time. If you turn to the boss with a request or with a rational proposal, be prepared to explain why it is needed and what the benefit will be from it.
Step 8
Remember, important conversations are best done face to face. If you are going to ask for a pay raise, plan to go to the hospital for a month, or decide to quit - show respect for your superiors and tell your boss about it personally.