The librarian's duties include storing, issuing and completing the library's literary fund. He serves visitors, advising, helping them to choose the necessary literature.

The duties of a librarian
Each library has different requirements for a candidate for the position of librarian. Specific responsibilities are set out in the job description of an employee of the organization. In general cases, attention is paid to the personal qualities of a potential employee and education. Among the desirable qualities are noted: accuracy, responsibility, good memory, emotional endurance and others. When applying for a job, the length of service is less important.
The librarian obeys the orders and orders of the management. Separate requirements are imposed on the level of knowledge of the librarian. He must know the content of fiction, special, scientific and other literature. This requirement is explained by the fact that the librarian helps visitors in the selection of the necessary books, advises, and gives recommendations on the selection of the necessary literature.
The duties of a librarian include accounting, storage, search and issuance of the book fund. Thus, the librarian must know the appropriate rules for the processing and acquisition of library literature. He compiles lists of missing literature at the request of readers, monitors updates in the field of books. In addition, it keeps the necessary records of the main indicators that characterize the efficiency of the library.
Professional qualities of a librarian
In the performance of his duties, the librarian needs such qualities as: attentiveness, concentration and patience. The professional qualities of the librarian also allow him to ensure the safety of the library literature. He knows the rules for compiling alphabetical catalogs of books and magazines stored in the library. The librarian is obliged to take measures to improve the service of visitors. First of all, such a requirement relates to creating comfortable conditions for readers, meeting their requests for literature.
The librarian also learns about upcoming thematic exhibitions in the city and takes part in them on behalf of the library. He prepares handouts and visual materials on topical issues of science and production experience, decorates exhibition stands.
Today the librarian needs knowledge of computer programs and the skills to use them. Thus, in his activity he forms catalogs of databases available in the library of literature in electronic form. It is worth noting that the work of a librarian has disadvantages. These include lack of career advancement and low wages.