The insurance business, like any other type of entrepreneurial activity, involves constant expansion and search for new clients. The agent must solve this problem if he wants to receive income from his business.

It is necessary
- - the Internet;
- - business cards;
- - website;
- - site for subscription;
- - money for advertising;
- - telephone.
Step 1
Expand the scope of your experience. If you have been involved for a long time, for example, only selling policies for motorists, consider life insurance or retirement insurance. These are the most relevant areas in which you can make a good income. In our country, there are many retirees (both real and people of pre-retirement age), as well as other persons who are indirectly interested in these services.
Step 2
Create a thematic website. It is almost impossible to conduct business without the use of the Internet. More and more people are connecting to the World Wide Web every day. This also applies to the older population. The site should clearly describe the types of services, reviews of former customers, the benefits of working with you and contact information.
Step 3
Conduct a competent online advertising campaign. Create a separate funnel site where you create a subscription form for potential customers. Ask for a person's email address and name in exchange for a free consultation or any other service.
Step 4
Advertise your subscription through the websites and mailing lists of partners who are also engaged in insurance or a related type of business. After that, you can already show subscribers your main site with a full range of services.
Step 5
Make business cards and hand them out in crowded areas of potential customers. Let them be at least a couple of hundred. Briefly provide information about your services, address and contact phone number. Give business cards not only to your real clients, but also to everyone who may be indirectly interested in these services. Shopping centers and offices are suitable for this purpose.
Step 6
Write some ads in your city's advertising newspapers. Quite a lot of older people read them. Spare some money and order a line ad written in bold in a frame. All this will pay off with interest after a couple of weeks of such advertising.