It is difficult to find someone who would not like to increase their income. Someone does it easily and quickly, someone does it with difficulty, and someone does not succeed at all. Often, financial problems happen to many: at first there was enough money, but, over time, the cash flow decreased and it was time to think about additional income.

Step 1
Try to increase your salary by negotiating with your boss. It will be easier for a valuable specialist - you can always hint to the management that competitors have recently offered a position with better payment terms. An ordinary employee will have to offer to take on additional responsibilities or combine positions. But it will be very convenient: in comparison with working for two different employers, both jobs are located in the same enterprise and there is no need to waste time traveling.
Step 2
The second option is part-time employment for a second job. Shift work schedules in many factories contribute greatly to this. For example, if you schedule a day after three, you can easily combine work at two different companies and have enough time to rest. There is also an undeniable advantage here: if one of the employers begins to experience difficulties, wages are delayed, layoffs begin, the second job will be very useful. As a bonus, one can consider one-time orders, seasonal work, as well as work that can be performed in free time at the main job.
Step 3
The third option is to look for a new job with a higher salary. The chances of finding a higher-paying job will increase if you take advanced training courses, retrain into a new profession, and get additional education. You can consider options for moving to another area, rotational methods of work, up to employment abroad. For example, from all European countries it is easiest to get a card of a Pole. It makes it possible to work and run a small business in Poland. And after 2 years of living in this state, with health insurance and work, you can also obtain Polish citizenship, that is, become a citizen of a united Europe.
Step 4
The fourth option is to search for additional sources of income. You can, for example, sell or rent a garage, summer cottage, car and unnecessary equipment. Some move to the countryside, where the cost of food and renting a house is several times cheaper, and a city apartment is rented out. If you have some kind of money capital, these funds can also be invested in any assets that can generate income, etc.
Step 5
The fifth option is to create and develop your own business. Entrepreneurial activity can bring income tens of times higher than the wages of employees. There are an incredible amount of business ideas nowadays. You can even find areas of business that do not require initial investment: small trade, services.