The lease agreement is drawn up in writing and includes several main sections. On a mandatory basis, the parties agree on the subject of the contract, and the rights and obligations of the parties, the procedure for making payments, and liability for violation of obligations are usually listed.

The lease is a separate document, drawn up in writing, signed by the lessee and the lessor. All the terms of this agreement are usually divided into several sections, among which should be highlighted: "Subject of the agreement", "Rights and obligations of the parties", "Rent", "Duration of the agreement", "Liability of the parties". Depending on the specific conditions, other sections may be included in the agreement, sometimes the lessor and tenant use subsections and subclauses. If the lease agreement is not subject to state registration, then it is drawn up in a simple written form in two copies, and if there is a requirement for state registration, it will be necessary to draw up a third copy for the registering authority.
What conditions must be included in the lease agreement?
The parties to a lease agreement independently determine its terms, however, a condition on the subject of the agreement is mandatory for approval. The agreement should allow to clearly establish the specified subject, and if such a definition is impossible, it will be considered non-concluded. So, when renting a dwelling, you will need to indicate its full address, area, attach a plan, refer to the certificate of ownership. Usually, to agree on this condition, a separate section is created, which is called the "Subject of the Agreement". In the same section, the parties to the contract are named, their personal data and details are indicated.
What conditions can be agreed upon at the request of the parties?
In addition to the subject of the lease agreement, the lessee and the lessor usually fix mutual rights and obligations (most of them are listed in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), the amount of rent with the procedure and timing of its transfer, liability for violation of obligations and other conditions. So, the tenant is usually responsible for damage to the rented property, its use for other purposes, late payment of the rent. Sometimes the parties agree on special conditions regarding the possibility of subletting the property, the distribution of responsibilities for the implementation of repairs. In the absence of these conditions in the agreement, the provisions of the current civil legislation apply, therefore, it is required to specifically indicate them in the text of the agreement only if the parties want to provide for rules that differ from the general rules.