The director of the enterprise is the same employee with his rights and responsibilities, which are spelled out in his job description. This document establishes a list of responsibilities and the required level of competence of the person who holds this position.

Step 1
Write down at the top of the page by whom and when this instruction was approved. This should be the head of the enterprise. Also, the document is assigned a serial number.
Step 2
Include in the first paragraph of the instruction, which is called "General Provisions", information about what defines the document, what category of employees the director belongs to, who is authorized to appoint or remove him from office, who has direct and additional subordination to him.
Step 3
List the qualification requirements for a director in the second part of the job description. These, for example, include: the presence of higher professional education, the necessary work experience, knowledge in the field of legislative acts regulating the production, economic and economic activities of the organization, as well as the ability to apply the methodological materials of other bodies influencing the activities of the company. In addition, the director must understand the specialization of the enterprise, see its prospects in technical, economic and social plans, know the technology of production and understand tax and environmental legislation.
Step 4
Indicate that the director should be well acquainted with the procedure for drawing up business plans and their approval, market methods of enterprise management. He must master the system of economic indicators that will determine the position of the company in the market. Supplement the list of requirements for the director with knowledge of the procedure for concluding economic, financial contracts and their execution, as well as market conditions, methods of managing the organization's finances, labor legislation and labor protection rules.
Step 5
Place the next item "Job responsibilities of the director of the enterprise". Here it is necessary to indicate that the director manages the production, economic and financial and economic activities of the company, bears full responsibility for the consequences of his decisions, organizes the work of all structural divisions, ensures that the organization fulfills obligations to the budgets of all levels, state non-budget social funds, suppliers, creditors, customers, ensures compliance with the legality of the activities of this company.
Step 6
List the rights of the director in the next part of the job description. The director has the right: to act on behalf of the enterprise, to represent the interests of the company to individuals and legal entities, as well as to public authorities and government bodies, to dispose of the funds and property of the organization, to open current accounts, to conclude employment contracts, to issue powers of attorney for transactions.
Step 7
Indicate that the director is responsible for the improper performance of his duties, for offenses committed by him, for causing material damage in the next paragraph of the instructions.
Step 8
Determine the working conditions of the director, working hours, terms of remuneration in the final parts of the job description. Finally, indicate that the document is drawn up in two copies, one of which is handed over to the employee. This is followed by the signatures of the parties.