How To Make A Statement

How To Make A Statement
How To Make A Statement

Table of contents:


A statement is a kind of intermediate ledgers in accounting. The statements are different: calculated, accumulative, collation, inventory, circulating and others. Let's talk about what a turnover sheet is and how to draw it up.

Billing is troublesome
Billing is troublesome


Step 1

The turnover sheet is an accounting register, which is designed to summarize all accounting registration data in the so-called accounting accounts. A turnover sheet is compiled at the very end of the month and is based on account data on balances at the beginning of the month and its end, as well as on turnovers for the month.

Step 2

Turnover statements can be compiled for analytical and synthetic accounts. The latter summarize the data of all synthetic general ledger accounts.

Step 3

The traditional form of the turnover sheet includes the names of the accounts, as well as three pairs of columns: turnovers for the reporting period, the opening and closing balances for each account. The columns contain two columns: debit, credit. With proper accounting, the totals of all pairs of columns in each column should be equal to each other.

Step 4

The equality of the total balances of the opening debit and credit of synthetic accounts can be explained by the fact that the data is transferred from the opening balance. And the equality of the results of credit and debit reviews for each of the accounts is due to the essence of the double entry, which shows that each business transaction is reflected twice: for the debit and credit of several accounts in an equal amount. The equality of the final balance totals, in turn, follows from both previous equalities. The equality of all the totals of the turnover sheet in pairs is of great control value.

Step 5

All data on the turnover balance sheet for synthetic accounts are used in the preparation of the balance sheet. The turnover sheets for synthetic accounting accounts can have a simple and staggered form.

Step 6

Now let's touch on the turnover sheets for analytical accounts, which are opened to a certain synthetic account. Such statements can be sold compiled in kind, in value or in kind-value terms.

Step 7

The results of the turnover sheets compiled in the context of analytical accounts (analytical accounting codes, sub-accounts) are verified with the data of the corresponding synthetic accounts. In this case, the sum of all totals of credit and debit balances of analytical accounts must be equal to the corresponding balance of the analytical account. The amounts of credit or debit turnovers for a synthetic account, as well as for all analytical accounts, must be equal to each other.
