Every person must be confident in the rights to restore their violated interests, compensation for moral and physical damage and protection from unlawful actions. This right is guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation in Art. 46, according to which a citizen can file a claim for moral damage.

Step 1
On the first sheet of the statement of claim, at the very top, write the name of your district court to which the statement will be addressed.
Step 2
After the heading "Application", indicate the data of the plaintiff, namely the surname, name, patronymic, passport data, actual place of residence. Write this data in the most accurate and detailed way. Provide contact information where the plaintiff can be easily found if the hearing is rescheduled or canceled.
Step 3
Indicate the amount of compensation for moral damage. To do this, assess the harm done. To substantiate the amount, attach checks, receipts or other documents to the application confirming your costs of restoring the damage received. Assess moral harm based on your own convictions. If the judge considers the amount to be overstated, he has every right to establish it on his own.
Step 4
Proceed with the narrative part of the statement of claim. Set out all the factual circumstances of the claim in it. Describe the subject of the dispute in as much detail as possible. Indicate which of the plaintiff's rights were violated. Support your words with links to specific articles of acts and laws. Formulate and justify your position clearly.
Step 5
Proceed with the preparation of the motivation part of the statement of claim. Make a conclusion about the illegal actions of the defendant based on the evidence presented above and references to legal norms.
Step 6
The operative part is a description of the claims of the plaintiff against the defendant. Specify and list the entire list of requirements for the defendant. Explain your request and decision that would satisfy you at the end of the trial.
Step 7
In the final part of the claim, list the entire list of documents attached to it. Indicate the date of the statement of claim and sign.