What You Need To Get A Birth Certificate

What You Need To Get A Birth Certificate
What You Need To Get A Birth Certificate

A little man from the very first days of his life, like adults, needs documents. How to issue a birth certificate for a child, where should you go and what is needed for this?

What you need to get a birth certificate
What you need to get a birth certificate

Registration of birth takes place at the registry office of your area. To carry out the procedure, you must submit the following documents:

- certificate of birth from the hospital;

- passports of the child's father and mother;

- marriage certificate (if any).

A father and mother who are legally married to each other are recorded by the parents in the child's birth certificate. For this, the statement of one of them is sufficient. Information about the child's mother is recorded in the act on the basis of a certificate from the maternity hospital, similar information about the father - from the parents' marriage certificate.

If the parents are not married, then their physical presence is necessary. In this case, information about the father is entered from the record of the act of establishing paternity or at the request of the mother of the child, if paternity has not been established. Also, at the request of the mother, this information may not be entered at all.

When registering the birth of a child, he is given a surname by the surname of his parents. The name of the child is recorded by the decision of the parents.

The deadline for submitting an application for a child's birth certificate is established by the law of the Russian Federation no later than one month from the date of his birth. Despite this, the law provides for the registration of a child before his majority, subject to the availability of a document of the established form (medical certificate of birth).

If the medical certificate is lost, before the child turns one year old, on the basis of the application, a new one is issued with the note "Duplicate", and the birth is recorded at the request of the parents in the registry office. In the absence of such a certificate, registration of the birth of a child, upon reaching one year or more, is carried out in connection with the decision of the court authorities to establish the fact of birth.

Co per child, which is valid for six months. If you register a child before he turns six months, then you will be guaranteed to receive child benefits in the future.
