Probably, every company strives to strengthen its position in the market of relevant goods and services and to attract the attention of consumers for a long time. This requires building customer loyalty.

What is customer loyalty
Consumer loyalty is called their figuratively positive attitude towards the activities of the organization, the goods sold and produced or the services provided, personnel, logo, trade mark, image of the organization, etc. It is the favorable attitude of the consumer towards the company or its products that forms the basis of the stability of its sales. Loyal consumers are those who continue to cooperate with the company, buy its products or use services for quite some time.
The basis of loyalty is the positive experience that a consumer gets in the process of buying or using a particular product or service. For example, if a consumer is satisfied with the quality of a particular firm's products, even if there are a sufficiently large number of competitors, he is highly likely to use the services again or to purchase a product of this particular brand that he liked. The effect is consolidated if, noticing the sources of customer loyalty, the company improves its products, provides services of the same high quality, forcing the consumer to come again and again.
How to gain loyalty
At present, when there are many similar goods, services, services at the same prices on the market, a special consumer loyalty program is becoming the main instrument in the competition. It is relevant for all companies, regardless of their areas of activity and volume. Without a unique approach to promoting their products and services, interesting and profitable offers to the consumer, the demand for the offered product will gradually fall.
It is inherent in consumers and customers to come and go as soon as they get what they want. That is why any company, first of all, strives to retain the client, prevent him from leaving for competitors. Loyal customers are always valuable financially: they buy the company's products, attract new customers, require much less attention to themselves, since they are already familiar with the company's offers and assortment, are resistant to price fluctuations and prefer to overpay a little than to buy goods from an unknown manufacturer. The company, in turn, must reward such dedication with personalized attention and first-class service, offering gifts, bonuses and discounts, and take into account the interests and tastes of the buyer when developing new lines of products.