Some people are successful, others are content with a comfortable and carefree life. If you are attracted to the path of the first, it does not matter if you work for your uncle or for yourself. Choose any of these versatile techniques and implement them in your life right now.

- Find at least an hour for self-improvement every day. Yes, this applies to weekends, holidays and the end of the world. In order not to be lazy and not put off things for later, form habits and pleasant rituals.
- Take care of your motivation. Dedicate the first half of the day to the main tasks, and in the second, allow yourself to relax and do the things that require less effort.
- Focus on three important tasks or a single major task. Before starting your day-to-day work, select only those activities that meet your goal. Always do them first, and get rid of minor secondary tasks.
- Eat the elephant bit by bit. If you can't see the end and edge of your work, break it down into small steps and cope with them. You yourself will not notice how much of the task will be completed.
Group small tasks. If in order to continue working you need to do a number of small things (send letters, clean up the office, find a document), do it immediately. So you will save time and do several things at once in just half an hour.
Do only the important things to be successful - Keep to-do lists or schedules in a way that suits you. Why keep tasks in mind when you can write down and unload your brain?
- Keep a diary. In the morning, write down the most important tasks of the day, and in the evening - a progress report. Celebrate milestones and be proud of your own success.
- Use only the tools you need. As soon as you think about increasing productivity, you are bombarded with advertisements for all kinds of services and gadgets that promise help and results. You shouldn't install everything at once. Choose the most suitable applications or abandon them altogether if the good old notebooks are more convenient for you.
- Take care of your body. Do not sit down to work hungry and sleepy: in such a state there is nothing to talk about productivity, just waste your time.
- Get some rest. Alternate tasks with warm-ups or alternating activities. Try the Pomodoro technique (25 minutes of work and 5 minutes of rest), the technique of the artist Yana Frank (45 minutes of work, 15 minutes of rest), or choose a routine that is comfortable for you.
- Reward yourself for completing tasks. Remember that you are working for a specific purpose and have the right to enjoy the fruits of your labors. Plan a decent vacation and arrange it.
Refuse. Do not agree to do someone else's work, do not follow the lead of those who want to interfere with you. Your job is to follow your own plan, not be comfortable with others.
Don't let others schedule your work hours - Protect your privacy. If you are constantly distracted by coworkers or at home with stupid errands and empty conversations, wear headphones. Listening to music is optional: it is enough to show that you are busy and not available for chatter.
- Check your mail three times a day. It is not at all necessary to keep an eye on your inbox while waiting for a new letter from colleagues. All messages can wait until you figure out the main task. Keep the box clean: transfer assignments to the to-do list or delegate to others, transfer personal correspondence to the archive, and the files that are necessary for work - to the appropriate folder or to the cloud storage.
- Practice telephone hygiene. Unless you're a dispatcher, you don't have to always answer your calls. Moreover, no one is allowed to interrupt you from business. Train your colleagues and family members to sometimes call back during a break. Perhaps during this time the problem that they wanted to hang on you will be resolved by itself.
- Limit yourself to sufficient results instead of perfect. We all want to be perfect, which is why we waste our time and get upset. Think about how you can simplify the task and get the first results as quickly as possible.

When you start to follow these guidelines, you may be considered a bore and selfish. Decide what is more important to you: to become the life of the company or to be successful.