Fourteen years old - at this age, Russian teenagers receive their first adult document in their life - a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. According to the law "On Passport", within 30 days they need to collect and submit to the department of the FMS (Office of the Federal Migration Service) an application along with a package of necessary documents. Contact should be at the place of registration. Failure to comply with the deadlines, as well as voluntary refusal to receive, can lead to penalties.

How to write a statement
An application to the passport service is written in the prescribed form 1P. It can be filled in by hand or printed on a printer. The form can be easily found on the Internet or taken directly from the passport office. The main requirement is the absence of corrections, blots, grammatical errors in the text.
An application for a passport must be signed by the teenager himself and certified by an employee of the migration service. But if, due to health or other serious reasons, he cannot sign on his own, then either his legal representatives - parents (guardians) or an employee of the migration service - must do this.
Confirm Citizenship
Along with the application, the teenager is required to bring a birth certificate. If it was lost (or stolen, torn, become unusable), then you need to contact the registry office at the place of birth to obtain a duplicate. Moreover, this should be done in advance, before the start of the 30-day period specified in the law.
It is also worth knowing that if a young man or girl was born outside of Russia, then they may be asked to bring an additional document confirming Russian citizenship. This is, for example, an insert in a birth certificate or a mark of citizenship made in the certificate itself. The passport of a parent, guardian or other legal representative may come in handy in this case.
In addition, confirmation of registration at the address indicated in the application is required. Such confirmation can be an extract from the house book, a certificate in Form 9 from the passport office or a certificate of the parents for the ownership of the dwelling.
Take off your hat
The main requirements for the two submitted photos, in addition to the size of 35 × 45 mm: both black and white or color photographs must be recent, clear and taken from the front. A hat or a baseball cap so popular among young men will have to be removed in front of the camera.
However, there are exceptions to the rules - sometimes the FMS allows taking pictures with a covered head. Let's say, because of religious beliefs. If, due to vision problems, a teenager constantly wears glasses, photographs with glasses with transparent glasses are allowed.
Finally, the last document is a paid receipt of the state duty in the amount of 200 rubles. Moreover, curiously, it can not be attributed to the FMS, but only to indicate the necessary details.