The Russian state provides families with children with various guarantees and compensations. Within the framework of social insurance in connection with maternity, a woman who has given birth to a baby is entitled to parental leave for a child up to 3 years old.

It is necessary
- - Federal Law "On Compulsory Social Insurance in Case of Temporary Disability and in Connection with Maternity" No. 255-FZ dated December 29, 2006;
- - application for parental leave to care for a child under 3 years old;
- - application for the payment of benefits;
- - a copy of the child's birth certificate;
- - a certificate from the father's place of work about his non-receipt of benefits.
Step 1
During parental leave in the first 1, 5 years, the employee of the enterprise is paid an allowance from the funds of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation. For the next 1, 5 years, as a rule, payments are not made.
Step 2
To document the allowance, ask the employee who gave birth to the child for the following documents:
- application for parental leave to care for a child under 3 years old;
- application for the payment of benefits;
- a copy of the child's birth certificate;
- a certificate from the father's place of work confirming that he did not receive childcare benefits.
Step 3
Since 2011, monthly payments are calculated based on the average earnings for the last 24 months prior to maternity leave. Previously, the calculation was made based on the average monthly salary for 1 year. However, in 2012, the employee has the right to choose the method of calculating the benefit, depending on which option - old or new - is more profitable for her in material terms.
Step 4
When calculating the childcare allowance under the new scheme, calculate the total salary of the employee for the last 2 years. Please note that the maximum annual income in 2010 was 415,000 rubles, and since 2011 it has been increased to 463,000 rubles.
Step 5
The next step is to determine the average daily earnings: divide the amount of total income received by 730. Then calculate the average monthly wage by multiplying the average daily earnings by 30, 4 - a value that indicates the average number of days in a month and established by law. Next, multiply the average monthly earnings by 40%, and in the end you will receive the amount of the employee's benefit.
Step 6
In the event that the employee preferred the previous procedure for calculating benefits, calculate her average daily earnings by dividing the total amount of income for 12 months by the number of calendar days for which wages were calculated. Exclude from the calculation the periods during which the employee did not work due to illness, was on vacation, etc.
Step 7
Please note that the minimum allowance must be at least 2326 rubles for the birth of the first child and 4652 rubles for the second and subsequent children. The maximum amount of payments under the old scheme is 13,833 rubles, and under the new one - 14,625 rubles.