Every leader wants to see a close-knit team next to him, which, like him, is aimed at promoting a common cause. But this can be difficult to achieve. Although it is still possible. There are some effective tips that you can follow to achieve success.

More often than not, not all employees play a key role in their organization. And because of this, it is not so important for them to advance the common cause. They are busy only with the performance of their direct duties. It would be good for a good leader to hold general meetings from time to time in which the vast majority of employees participate. At such events, it is worth discussing with colleagues the results of common work, as well as defeats and achievements. Thus, you can find out what atmosphere reigns in the team, what worries people and what they would like to improve.
Team rules and their implementation
A good boss needs to establish specific rules in his office or business that apply to all team members. These rules should be simple and straightforward. This will contribute to the fact that employees will feel more comfortable in the team, because everyone works according to the same principles as they do. It's like being in a family with several children. A favorable atmosphere will reign only when children see that everyone is treated the same: they are punished for mistakes, and they are encouraged for achievements.
Encourage initiative
When every employee is given to understand that he has the right to express himself freely, to put forward new ideas and proposals, this only plays into the hands of the leader. Then everyone in the team understands that everyone is doing the same thing and aiming to come to a common achievement. It is always worth praising employees for their desire to achieve something or improve something. This praise should be expressed both verbally and materially. This approach will stimulate further fruitful and high-quality work.
Get rid of selfish people
Don't let someone think they're better than everyone else on the team. This attitude of some employees to what they are doing will negatively affect the overall work of the team. A successful leader does not need employees who make decisions based only on their own interests, and not on the interests of a common cause.
Inform the team
Knowing only a few facts, employees can imagine the big picture of what is happening. However, their understanding of what is happening may be fundamentally different from how things really are. It would be nice to keep employees informed about how things are going and how problems are being resolved. The advantage of this approach is that employees always understand what can be expected in the near future, and also, perhaps, have a certain solution to the problems that have arisen.