The task of the manager is to be able to unite the team, provide employees with suitable working conditions and achieve the greatest work efficiency. At the same time, it is very important to learn how to properly manage personnel, otherwise all your efforts will not lead to the desired result.

Step 1
Earn the respect of your subordinates and try to be an example for them. Employees should not say that their manager is having fun instead of working, is often late, drinks alcohol during working hours, dresses tasteless and ridiculous, etc. Become a role model and try to demonstrate your high qualifications and love for work, because only then can you demand the same from others.
Step 2
Beware of gossip. First, do not give a reason to discuss your personal life, successes, failures, etc. Secondly, do not spread gossip yourself and try to stop them if the gossip personally comes to discuss the next news with you. All intrigues, conflicts between employees greatly interfere with teamwork, and your task is to reduce the risk of their occurrence to a minimum.
Step 3
Be fair. If you promised to punish for being late or delaying the deadline for the completion of work, punish it, otherwise the staff will understand that it is not you who are in control of it, but he is you. If one employee complains about another, try to assess the situation objectively and make the right decision, not being guided by personal likes or dislikes.
Step 4
Don't become a tyrant. To effectively manage employees, you need to learn to find a common language with them, and in some cases an individual approach to everyone. The staff should know that you are ready to listen to constructive suggestions, to listen to other people's opinions. If any initiative in the team is punishable, employees are unlikely to act effectively. This, of course, primarily concerns representatives of the creative professions.
Step 5
Monitor your duties carefully. In some cases, you can ask employees to draw up reports on the work performed, or provide you with a plan for the day or for a week indicating what exactly has been done. Don't let things go by themselves, but don't make the controls too strict. It's just that every employee should know what and when he should do, as well as what will happen if he does not cope with his work.