Not all managers are able to correctly manage personnel. The main problem faced by many of them is the inability to build the right relationships in the team. In addition, effective leadership implies creating a positive atmosphere as well as the ability to motivate employees to work.

Staff recruitment
Proper personnel management must begin with the correct selection of employees. You must clearly know the specifics of all the vacancies that you need to fill. When selecting employees, answer yourself to the question whether specific candidates are able to take the position offered to them, whether their skills meet your requirements. If you are recruiting staff for your own business, you should not limit yourself to testing their knowledge and skills. Your task is to create a close-knit team of motivated and honest people capable of solving the most difficult problems. Try to hire only the best workers in their field.
Managers of a sufficiently high rank, who are subordinate to a large staff, should have an assistant. You will not be able to keep track of all the processes taking place in the team, and you will not be able to solve all the problems that arise on your own. Such guidance will be ineffective. Try to find someone who is familiar with your job as your assistant. You can always count on this person during your absence, for example, during a business trip or, if necessary, to solve urgent tasks related to your work.
Communication with the team
One of the biggest mistakes leaders make is the belief that good bosses should be feared. They believe that by giving unconditional orders and instilling fear in their employees, they can achieve better results in the work of the team. If you want to manage your staff correctly and as efficiently as possible, try to build good relationships with each of your employees. Your employees react differently to management methods. Some are ready for tough subordination, while others require confidential communication for the most effective work. However, in any case, you must set specific tasks for employees, and establish responsibility for their implementation.
Praise your employees
Be sure to thank your employees for a good job. For example, if the team faced a difficult task that needed to be completed in a short time, do not leave the work successfully completed by them unattended. You can publicly express gratitude to everyone, pay a bonus and even celebrate this event in any way. Nothing motivates employees more than remuneration for their work, praise from managers, and a sense of belonging to a common cause.