Time is a non-renewable resource, which is why it is so precious. Often it is not enough, but there are people who need much less time to do similar work. This means that they know how to manage it.

Everyone can learn how to manage their own time, only desire, patience and self-discipline are required from a person. It is these qualities that will help carve out a few free hours a day, which are so lacking.
Defining goals
First of all, you should decide on goals, that is, write a list of what needs to be done during the day. It is advisable to start a diary for these purposes, where all actions will be scheduled every minute. You should constantly look into it and check it, so as not to get out of schedule later. This practice will help you become more disciplined and free up time for other things.
Waiting time
A person spends quite a lot of time waiting for something, that is, in transport, queues, traffic jams. However, you can use it to your advantage. If you have a car, you can listen to audiobooks in traffic jams, record your thoughts on a dictaphone in your phone, solve minor work issues, and make a plan for the next day. When you have to travel by public transport, you can listen to books on minibuses, read on the subway, or think about projects. Indeed, quite often valuable, creative thoughts appear spontaneously.
Switching instead of resting
Often, monotonous activity makes you sleepy, so work goes on more and more slowly. Here you can advise to rest, but it is better to use this time to your advantage. You just need to quit the current project and switch to something else. In an hour, you can return to your original activity, and then things will go much faster.
Disconnecting from the outside world
To get more done, you need to disconnect from the outside world. In other words, you will need to forget about social networks, forums and various entertainment sites. They take a lot of time, so you need to discard them. After all, an innocent question from a friend about how things are going sometimes turns into a long correspondence. When there are several friends, you can spend more than one hour conducting a conversation. For this reason, you should not go to social networks, so you will be able to avoid the temptation.
It is very important to motivate yourself correctly when making a plan of action for the day or week. After all, often a person is simply too lazy to adhere to it. In this case, you should reward yourself for a job well done at the end of the day. It can be anything from sitting on social networks to walking with your loved one, as long as it motivates you to take action.