How To Send A Resume Letter

How To Send A Resume Letter
How To Send A Resume Letter

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The most popular way for both job seekers and employers to exchange information is e-mail. The generally accepted format for the first submission to the employer is a message with a resume as an attached file and a cover letter in the body of the message. However, other options are also possible, including those agreed by the employer himself.

How to send a resume letter
How to send a resume letter


Step 1

If you are sending an email as an attachment, the first step is to attach this attachment to your message. If you forget to attach a file, it may not make the best impression.

Step 2

Be sure to check if the resume you are sending is up-to-date: if everything is reflected in it your positions and achievements. If there is a need to add something, be sure to do it. This is relevant for candidates applying for different vacancies and having resume options, "sharpened" for each one specifically. Your employer should see a resume that is relevant for the job that he is offering.

Step 3

Fill in the subject field. Here it is optimal to indicate the name of the vacancy for which you are applying. For example, "resume for such and such a vacancy." This will give some guarantee that your message will not be automatically classified as spam. In addition, this will give the employer's representative information on which particular issue you turned to him (and he may have dozens or even hundreds of vacancies in his work) and will bring you additional points in his eyes.

Step 4

Now move on to filling out the body of the letter. It is best to place a cover letter in it. It should not be too long, but it will not be superfluous to emphasize in it your strengths, the reasons for interest in the vacancy and job search, and to show your knowledge of the specifics of the industry will not be superfluous.

Step 5

In the most extreme case, the option “Hello, please see my resume for such and such a vacancy. Best regards, such and such”looks much more profitable than an empty letter with an attached file. You should place a resume in the body of the letter only if the employer asks for it (such are sometimes found). Even so, the resume may well fit under the cover letter.

Step 6

Now fill in the field for the recipient's address. It is desirable to do this in the last place for a reason: the best guarantee that the letter will not leave by mistake, for example, after accidentally pressing the wrong key. Just in case, check if everything has been attached, run through the text for errors (they are not allowed in the resume and cover letter). And only after making sure that everything is in order, give a command to send the letter.
