The content and execution of documents and business papers that accompany the activities of any enterprise or organization are regulated by the relevant documents and state standards. A cover letter refers to business documents, so it must meet the design requirements established by GOST R 6.30-2003.

Step 1
A cover letter is drawn up in the same way as a regular one. Write it on the letterhead of your company, which contains its full name, postal address, details, e-mail address, contact fax and telephone number.
Step 2
In the upper right corner, indicate the addressee of the letter, his surname and initials, the position held, the organization, its address and do not forget the index of the settlement where it is located.
Step 3
In the subject line of the letter, you can indicate "Covering letter to the forwarded documentation", you do not need to make the title of the letter. Start it with the traditional address: "Dear …!". Next, write the standard phrase "We are sending you …" and give the general name of the package of documents to which you are enclosing this cover letter. If necessary, indicate under what agreements or requests this documentation is sent.
Step 4
A cover letter can also be used for regular business correspondence. If you have any additional message for this addressee, you can write it in the second and third paragraphs.
Step 5
Write the word "Attachment:" or "Attachments:" depending on how many documents will be attached to this letter. If the document is in singular, then after the colon give its name, indicate on how many sheets of the document and in how many copies it is sent.
Step 6
If there are several documents, then their list should be drawn up as a numbered list, each number should be written on a new line. After the digit of the number, indicate the name of the document, the number of sheets and copies.
Step 7
Sign the letter by the official who is authorized to sign such letters, affix his signature and certify with the seal of the enterprise.
Step 8
At the bottom, be sure to indicate the executor of this cover letter, his last name, initials and contact phone number.