An able-bodied citizen over the age of 16, who wants to get a permanent or temporary job, has the right to contact the employment center. These institutions help with employment and provide other social services.

Employment centers and their functions
The employment center in Russia is a state labor exchange, a special social institution that mediates between employees and employers. Employment centers maintain a database of vacancies of various enterprises and a database of job seekers. Persons wishing to find a job have the right to apply to the territorial employment agencies located in their place of residence. To do this, you need to submit an application in accordance with the sample established by law.
To register at the employment center, a citizen must present a passport, work book, documents on education and current professional qualifications, information on the average salary (or other taxable income) for the last three months.
Assistance to temporarily unemployed citizens
After confirming the authenticity of the documents, the citizen is recognized as temporarily unemployed and entered into the database of applicants for a particular position (specified by the applicant himself or selected by the center's specialists in accordance with the existing education and work experience).
Persons who have not reached the age of 16, pensioners, as well as those who have knowingly provided false information about themselves to specialists are not recognized as unemployed. In addition, the employment center may refuse a citizen to provide services and exclude him from the database of temporarily unemployed for several reasons, for example, in the case of refusal of two job options offered by employees of the labor exchange, and also if the citizen did not appear at the employment center to obtain the selected for him to work for no good reason.
A citizen recognized as temporarily unemployed, registered at an employment center, has the right to receive unemployment benefits, the amount of which is established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 834. The citizen receives this cash payment monthly and until he is approved for the position chosen for him by specialists of the employment center. When deregistered at the labor exchange, payments of benefits to a citizen are terminated.
In addition to providing assistance to temporarily unemployed persons, employment centers provide support to start-up entrepreneurs. A citizen who wants to start his own business has the right to apply to the labor exchange and apply for a subsidy provided by the state in the amount of up to 58,800 rubles.