How Much Does The Employer And The Employment Center Pay After Dismissal

How Much Does The Employer And The Employment Center Pay After Dismissal
How Much Does The Employer And The Employment Center Pay After Dismissal

Payments to an employee after dismissal are made depending on the reason for leaving. In any case, the employer must issue wages for the days worked in the month in which the employee quit, as well as compensation for unused vacations. The rest of the payments are charged either by the organization or by the bodies of the employment center, depending on the situation.

How much does the employer and the employment center pay after dismissal
How much does the employer and the employment center pay after dismissal

Employer payments

Article 178 of the Labor Code stipulates that in case of liquidation of an organization or in case of staff reduction, the employer is obliged after dismissal to pay severance pay in the amount of the average monthly salary within 2 months. Payment of benefits is made on condition that the former employee was unable to find a job during this period. As a document confirming the status of unemployed, the employer must provide a work book.

The employer is obliged to pay severance pay in the 3rd month to the dismissed employee, but under certain conditions. The conditions are as follows: if within two weeks the dismissed employee registers at the employment center, and within 2 months he was not employed, it is enough to provide a work book and a certificate from the employment service confirming the status of unemployed at the former place of work.

Severance pay to laid-off workers in the first month after dismissal is paid without fail, even if the former employee has already found a new job.

The law also provides for cases of dismissal, in which severance pay is paid in the amount of two weeks' average monthly salary:

- conscription;

- the employee's refusal to transfer to another position;

- the employee's disagreement with the transfer to another locality, or refusal to work with the changed conditions stipulated in the employment contract;

- complete loss of the ability to work for health reasons, confirmed by a medical report.

Employment center payments

If a person has not been able to find a new job shortly after dismissal, he should contact the employment service, which should provide him with unemployment benefits while looking for a new job.

The amount of the allowance is reviewed annually by the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2014, the minimum allowance for the unemployed paid by the state labor exchange is 850 rubles, and the maximum is 4900 rubles (in Ukraine - 4782 hryvnia).

The allowance for an unemployed person who quit for a good reason is calculated based on the average wage in the last job, but provided that the unemployed person has had a steady income over the past 26 weeks.

Unemployment benefits are paid for a year, after which there is a break in payments for six months. Payment is made according to the following scheme:

- the first 3 months the amount of the benefit is 75% of the average monthly salary;

- for the next 4 months, the amount of the payment is reduced to 60% of the salary;

- the last 5 months, the allowance is paid at a rate of 45%.

The amount of unemployment benefits can be increased by a coefficient that is set for individual regions, for example, for the regions of the Far North.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the allowance cannot exceed the maximum established by law, which in 2014 is 4,900 rubles.
