What To Do If The Employer Does Not Pay Taxes

What To Do If The Employer Does Not Pay Taxes
What To Do If The Employer Does Not Pay Taxes

If the employer does not pay taxes, contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, employees can file complaints with several government agencies at once. As a result of the checks carried out, the organization will be held accountable, and unpaid contributions will be recovered in court.

What to do if the employer does not pay taxes
What to do if the employer does not pay taxes

Not every organization accurately fulfills its obligations to pay taxes to the budget, contributions for employees to state funds. In order to evade payment of the corresponding payments, various methods are used, including the issuance of unofficial wages, double-entry bookkeeping and some others. For employees, such a situation is extremely undesirable, since it significantly violates their labor and pension rights, and it is almost impossible to oblige the company to pay the necessary amounts to the budget. The only way out is to file complaints with the supervisory authorities, which are authorized to conduct inspections in relation to commercial entities.

Where should complaints be made?

Any employee who discovers the fact that the employer has not made payments to the budget provided for by law can draw up and send complaints to the territorial division of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the tax inspectorate at the location of the organization, the labor inspectorate and the prosecutor's office. Complaints should clearly state the essence of the violations committed by the employer, ask for an audit in relation to the company. At the same time, a guarantee of a positive reaction to such an appeal from the authorized bodies is the filing of a complaint with the personal signature of the employee (or several signatures of the employees). Anonymous applications are usually not considered, except in cases of contacting the tax office, which offers to fill out a special anonymous form.

What are the consequences for the employee?

Many employees are afraid of negative consequences in the form of dismissal, material sanctions from the employer, therefore they do not file relevant complaints. However, the anonymity of the application can be ensured through a special request to keep the applicant's name confidential. The corresponding request should be included in the text of the complaint, as a result of which it will not be easy for the employer to find out which of his employees decided to defend their own rights. This recommendation will be especially relevant for the personnel of large enterprises, the number of employees in which is estimated in hundreds of people. As a result of consideration of the complaint, the supervisory authorities will bring the company to administrative and tax liability, as well as oblige to pay all arrears, as a result of which the rights of employees will be restored.
