If you have an idea for an invention, it makes sense to patent it (i.e., get a patent). Thus, your invention will be granted legal protection. In order to patent an invention, it is necessary to collect a certain package of documents. You can assemble it yourself or contact a patent attorney.

Step 1
Patents are issued by the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks (Rospatent). A patent can be valid for 10 to 25 years. An invention, utility model or industrial design can be patented.
Step 2
First of all, in order to obtain a patent for an invention, it is necessary to conduct patent research. This is a research work, the content of which may be a search for analogs (someone has already patented such an invention before you?), Identification of their shortcomings, differences from your invention, the technical characteristics of your invention, the possibility of its use, forecasting the development of such inventions. The specifics depend on the invention. The result is drawn up in the form of a report in accordance with GOST R 15.011-96.
Step 3
It is necessary to make a description of the invention. To do this, you need to select the code of the international patent classification of the invention (you can find it on the Rospatent website), determine the scope of the invention and describe its characteristics.
Step 4
Then the claims are drawn up - its brief description, which defines the technical essence. This is the most important document. The formula indicates the scope of the rights of the future patent holder. Only the formula can determine the main features of an invention.
Step 5
Next, you need to write an abstract of the invention. Its purpose is to advertise your invention, explain its strengths, the possibilities of its application. It should be short enough (up to 1000 characters). In total, you will need 3 copies of the abstract (as well as 3 copies of the description, formula and, if any, drawings).
Step 6
Then, from the Rospatent website, you need to download an application form for an invention (or utility model) and fill it out. From there, you need to download a receipt for payment of the state duty and pay it. All listed documents (description, formula, abstract, drawings, application, receipt) are sent by registered mail with notification to Rospatent. Rospatent will assign a number to the application within one to two months and begin its consideration. You can follow the progress of the review on the Rospatent website. On average, patenting can take up to one and a half years.