Due to some circumstances, have you lost your job? What if you are not used to looking for a job on your own or do not yet have experience and have no idea how to start looking?

Step 1
First, you need to think about the purpose for which you are looking for a job: you need a permanent and, accordingly, with a decent salary, work or temporary (for example, you urgently need money and do not have time to choose vacancies by profile). It is on this that the filling of your resume and the careful selection of information useful to your future employer depend. The first thing to think about is what exactly you can offer to the employer. What do you do best? What do you do best, what field do you have the most experience in? But do not reject the less noteworthy nuances - they will still be useful to you.
Step 2
So, take a piece of paper and write down everything related to your experience, education, acquired skills. Write everything in detail, remember everything that may come in handy: courses completed in school, business seminars, accidentally attended while still at the institute, lectures, electives, temporary work. Determine the direction in which you want to work, and try all the experience that you had, lead to the desired area. For example, if you are looking for a job as a manager (with little experience), and previously worked in a general education school, you can write that you have high stress resistance, the ability to resolve conflicts and work in a team. Try to present everything in the best possible light.
Step 3
The next step is to write a basic resume that you will always have at your fingertips. Describe in detail the facts that are relevant to the desired position, and do not disclose in detail what may distract the employer. If you worked as a tattoo artist in a tattoo parlor, this will not in any way affect your job as a manager, i.e. this can be omitted. Carefully study what you remembered and wrote earlier, and put it succinctly and competently, but informatively on your resume.
Step 4
Next, the stage of the actual job search begins. Act in several directions at once: 1. Call your acquaintances and ask about possible vacancies, they probably have acquaintances with information. 2. Study the companies (telephone directory, Internet resources) that are suitable for you, and send your resume to the HR department, call, inquire about the availability of vacancies. Be persistent but polite. Many, having plucked up impudence, go straight to their superiors. For example, you can do this when deciding to get a job in a music store or a clothing store. Here it is important to surprise in the first minutes of communication - this is a skill that salespeople value. Study the ads, call the company. 4. Register on the Internet at portals that represent actual labor exchanges, for example, www.superjob.ru, www.rabota.yandex.ru, www.rabotka.ru. Here you will also have to write a resume by filling out the form on the website. Use the previous recommendations. Subscribe to newsletters. 5. And do not sit idly by. Search, find out, ask. And be sure of yourself. Competition when looking for a job is high, there are many specialists, but the employer needs to know that it is you who will cope with your duties, because you are confident in your abilities.