Production Calendar For August

Production Calendar For August
Production Calendar For August

August 2019 is one of the longest production periods. There are no public holidays or shortened days in this month.

Production calendar for August 2019
Production calendar for August 2019

Production calendar for august 2019

The production calendar is an irreplaceable assistant for accountants and personnel workers. All employees should get acquainted with it, since on the basis of it wages are calculated, a shift schedule is drawn up. It is especially useful to study it for those who are going to go on vacation. The production calendar is drawn up annually, taking into account the decrees of the government of the Russian Federation, the norms of labor legislation. When new regulatory documents are released, the data may be corrected, but usually there are no corrections during the year. The current calendar already contains all the necessary changes.

Number of working days

In August 2019, there are 22 working days and 9 days off. There are no public holidays this month. August starts on working Thursday and ends on Saturday. Weekends fall on 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18, 24, 25, 31.


According to Russian law, a work week can last 40, 38 or 24 hours. The duration depends on the degree of harmfulness of work, the age of the employee, his state of health, the characteristics of the work and many other factors. It can be changed downward, but only by mutual agreement of the employer and employee.

Based on the production calendar for August 2019, an accountant or personnel worker can calculate the norms of monthly working hours:

  • with a working week of 40 hours - 176 hours (22 x 8, where 22 is the number of working days, and 8 is the duration of the work shift);
  • with a working week of 38 hours - 158.4 hours (22 x 7, 2);
  • with a working week of 24 hours - 105.6 hours (22 x 4, 8).

Professional holidays in August 2019

August 2019 is great for taking a vacation. In this case, the number of vacation days will be calculated according to the standard scheme. In August, not only public holidays are absent, but also transfers.

There are many professional holidays in August. They are not state-owned, these days employees are not given additional days off, but in some organizations it is customary to celebrate them. In August, if you wish, you can celebrate:

August 1 - Day of the collector in Russia, Day of the rear of the armed forces of the Russian Federation;

August 2 - Day of the Airborne Forces of Russia (Airborne Forces);

August 4 - Railwayman's Day;

August 6 - Day of Railway Troops;

August 8 - Mountaineer Day (international);

August 10 - Day of the Athlete (Athlete);

August 11 - Builder's Day;

August 12 - Day of the Air Force (Air Force);

August 15 - Archaeologist Day;

August 25 - Miner's Day;

August 27 - Film Day;

August 29 - Day of Special Forces of the Armed Forces of Russia (special forces);

August 31 - Veterinarian's Day.

It is customary to celebrate some professional holidays on a large scale. An example is the Day of the Airborne Forces. It falls on August 2 and coincides with the Orthodox holiday. Saint Elijah is considered the patron saint of the Airborne Forces. Every year on August 2, the paratroopers gather in certain places, bathe in the fountains.


On a festive day, liturgies are held in churches dedicated to the paratroopers who did not return home. Another good tradition is to lay flowers on the graves of fallen heroes.
