The duration of the leave of teachers and managers is regulated by the law of the Russian Federation. The main paid leave for each of the categories of workers must be drawn up with the obligatory consideration of the norms specified in the annex to the government act, as well as all the necessary conditions described in detail in the notes.

Vacation in preschool educational institutions
Annual leave, totaling 56 calendar days, must be granted to people who work in positions such as:
- educators;
- leaders of muses. institutions;
- physical instructors culture;
- speech therapists and defectologists;
- educators for preschoolers with any developmental disabilities;
- educators in sanatoriums who are able to provide children with long-term treatment.
In other words, teachers, managers, as well as educators working in the above positions, in preschool educational institutions and whose working hours, without fail, correspond to the monthly salary rate, should have such leave.
In elementary schools and kindergartens, as well as in specialized schools for children with any disabilities, the weekly duration of work should be 25 hours, that is, no more than 5 hours per day for five days of work. For institutions of this kind, which also provide sanatorium treatment (with the exception of tuberculosis, as well as its subdued forms) - 36 hours. And for teachers working with groups of children infected with tuberculosis (macrobacteria) - 30 weekly hours.
Leave of 56 days is also proposed for those who work in schools and other preschool educational institutions specializing in working with children with developmental disabilities.
The rate of the educator or teacher should not be less than 18 hours per week.
56 days of vacation for university professors
Deans, teachers of universities and IPCs, vice-rectors, directors of branches, heads of departments of scientific research and postgraduate studies, as well as academic secretaries have the right to a paid leave of 56 days, the possibility of registration of which will appear only if the work as a teacher in the total volume is be not less than 150 hours.
In order not to reduce, but to extend the vacation by means of holidays, when drawing up an application, be sure to indicate the dates in calendar days, not taking into account only its period, that is, the dates of the beginning and end of the vacation.
Regardless of the entire academic load, leave should be provided in full to deputy directors for scientific work, as well as vice-rectors of evening and correspondence departments of universities.