What Mistakes Should Not Be Made In The Interview

What Mistakes Should Not Be Made In The Interview
What Mistakes Should Not Be Made In The Interview

It so happens that the employer liked your resume, you were invited for an interview, but you were never hired. Why? Chances are, in your interview, you made one of five common mistakes that recruiters don't forgive.

The candidate's appearance must match the workplace
The candidate's appearance must match the workplace

1. Low motivation

Low interest of a candidate can be a reason for refusal even for candidates with decent work experience and good references. It makes no sense to take a person to the company if he is not going to stay in it for a long time.

To avoid this mistake, before the interview, you need to prepare for the question of why you would like to work in this particular company. It is necessary to show interest in the affairs of the company, your desire to contribute to its development, focus on successful cooperation.

Developing an action plan for the first time will be a huge plus for you.

2. Cheating

Perhaps the applicant embellished his resume a little, and at the interview the claimed skills were not confirmed.

For example, if you claim to be fluent in a foreign language but do not understand the questions of the expat director, the fraud will be exposed.

This is a serious mistake, so it is advisable to list only real skills and experience.

3. Company loyalty

During the interview, the recruiting manager will be sure to listen to your feedback about your past job. Statements such as “The boss was unprofessional, led the company to bankruptcy,” most likely discredit you, not the former boss. The recruiter will decide that you may be unflattering about his organization and will remove you from the list of candidates.

4. Failure to comply with the rules of etiquette

Being late for an interview is disrespectful. It doesn't matter how many minutes you are late. To avoid this mistake, you need to think over the route and go to the meeting in advance. If you can't arrive on time, notify us by phone.

5. Appearance

Interviewing managers won't mind freedom of expression, but remember, dress and overall appearance should be appropriate for the job you're applying for. For example, a bank manager cannot be dressed like a bartender.
