The first meeting and interview with the employer is the most crucial stage in getting a job. The outcome of the case depends on him, so you need to take the interview very seriously and thoughtfully. The best way is to prepare for the appointment in advance and get familiar with the common mistakes that job seekers make.

Drawing a portrait of the candidate
Never be late for an interview, this is the best way to spoil the impression of yourself. Consider in advance what clothes to wear for the interview, what hair to do, and what makeup to wear. The best option is an office suit, soft cosmetics, a neat hairstyle and haircut.
Some show up for interviews accompanied by a “support group” -with girlfriends, friends, or spouses. As a rule, the employer reacts negatively to this - after all, he should talk with the person himself, and not with the company. A candidate for a job looks extremely unconvincing if he is poorly guided in the activities of the chosen enterprise or company. Before the interview, you need to study this information at least in general terms and be able to demonstrate your knowledge and awareness.
Learn to behave confidently, but persuasiveness should not border on fluency. The employer will appreciate the ability to tell about oneself as a specialist with certain experience and knowledge.
Be sure to turn off your mobile phone before meeting. Conversations on a mobile phone are regarded as disrespect for the interlocutor and bad form in communication.
Show your sincere interest in the positive results of the interview, do not get into the position "I don't care, don't accept, it's worse for you." If a person is not interested in this work in advance, who will take on it? It is not necessary to emphasize demonstrating excessive interest in payment, no one needs workers who work only for the sake of money.
It is unacceptable to indulge in long stories about your previous campaigns in search of work, and even more so to speak negatively or mockingly about other employers. Don't show annoyance or impatience if too many questions are asked in the interview. On the contrary, it indicates that the candidate is interested. You need to answer questions calmly, confidently, clearly and without unnecessary emotions and verbosity. During the interview, also ask the employer questions - this will create the impression of you as a motivated and intelligent employee.
Do not burn ships
After the interview, be sure to thank the employer for the time spent, even if it turns out that this job is not for you or you are not suitable. You need to leave a lasting positive impression about yourself, behave with dignity. Who knows how life will turn out, and perhaps in the near future it will be necessary to remember the same enterprise, firm and the same employer?