For a beginner specialist, and in any field of activity, the first steps are always associated with making mistakes. Lawyers are no exception. So, for example, many eminent defenders of law and law admit that they began their professional activities with stupid and inappropriate mistakes, which now they even find it funny to remember. That is why it is so important for a lawyer to know well not only legislation, but also some rules, if you can call them that, of initial work and practice.

So, the most common mistake on the part of a young lawyer is an incorrect assessment of one's own strengths. This applies both to the fact that he takes on too much work, and the fact that he cannot correctly approach the volume of work.
I must say that the fact that a beginner practitioner takes on several tasks at once is not surprising. This can be motivated by several reasons at once.
First reason
The newly-minted lawyer believes that the sooner he picks up the "necessary" number of cases, the sooner his colleagues will treat him more seriously. But if you think about it, is the quantity so important? Shouldn't quality come first? Of course it is. Regardless of how many cases are in the hands of a lawyer at a time, only his ability to competently do his job will eventually be credited to his positive practice.
Second reason
In the event of a negative experience, a young lawyer will no longer be able to justify that any practice is good. Unfortunately, there is no such definition for litigation. There are either legal victories and acquittals, or there is nothing. Therefore, it is not recommended for a young specialist to waste his time on a large number of tasks. It is better to choose one, albeit not a “great” deed, in which victory seems possible. There is no need to dramatize and hope that by taking on a complex case, like in a movie, the lawyer will win it with ease and become famous. Unfortunately, statistics suggest the opposite: this does not happen very often.
Third reason
Another common mistake newcomers make is placing too much hope in the judiciary. As a rule, any novice lawyer hopes that the judge will be able to delve into the essence of the problem as deeply as the defense lawyer himself. However, it should be borne in mind that for a judge - this is a case from the category of "one of the countless". That is why it sometimes happens that the court spends not as much time on solving this or that issue as the lawyer would like. As a consequence, some disappointment will not be long in coming. You also need to be prepared for this, since a lawyer, even a beginner, simply does not have time for frustration.
Fourth reason
The most important "violation" that a newly-minted specialist can commit is excessive self-confidence. The problem is that many, having come from the university, are sure that their knowledge and experience is much larger and fresher than that of most of their colleagues. This gives them a certain amount of confidence, which is detrimental to the formation of personal relationships and forging connections with other lawyers and human rights defenders. As a rule, it is difficult for such personalities in legislative bodies to get along, since practice shows that even the most self-confident specialist has the right to make mistakes, and, accordingly, you should not be too arrogant.