Labor legislation, protecting the interests of such groups of workers as pregnant women, children and workers with family responsibilities, establishes for them sparing working hours, additional periods of rest, and also prohibits changing the mode of their work, even temporarily.

Thus, the law prohibits an employer from sending pregnant women and minors working for him on business trips. In addition, such workers should not work overtime, on weekends and holidays, or at night, even if they do not mind doing so. The exceptions are those cases when such workers work in the media, cinematography organizations, theater, circus, etc.
If the employer still needs to attract employees to work in non-standard conditions (overtime, on weekends, etc.) or send them somewhere, he can do this, but in compliance with the following legal requirement: a woman with a child under 3 years old, the mother or father of a disabled child, a single parent (up to the age of five), must give their written consent to this. Written consent must also be obtained from workers caring for sick family members who need constant care.
However, in the event that the above workers provide medical certificates that they cannot go to work on holidays, weekends, overtime, etc., the employer cannot force them to do so. At the same time, you cannot be brought to disciplinary responsibility for refusing a business trip or overtime work.
Note to personnel officers: the written consent of the employee must be issued in the form of a separate document and, in addition, the employee must confirm in writing that he knows about his right to refuse to work in non-standard conditions or on a business trip.
These guarantees are provided to employees, regardless of whether they work part-time or at the main place of work.