Cyclists are full road users. Since the bicycle belongs directly to vehicles, the cyclist must move on the right side of the road. However, if a cyclist moves on foot, only driving his bicycle, then he must walk on the left side of the road, since he acts as a pedestrian.

Cyclists over 14 years of age
The bicycle is equated to all other means of transport. For this reason, the cyclist must comply with the relevant traffic regulations. Since April 2014, 6 points of 24 sections of the traffic rules have been devoted to cyclists.
According to them, the movement of cyclists over 14 years old is allowed (in descending order): along cycle or bicycle paths or along the existing special lane for cyclists; on the right edge of the carriageway; on the side of the road; on the pedestrian sidewalk.
It is important to note that each next item in the above-mentioned list implies the absence of the previous ones. In other words, if a cyclist has the ability to move on a cycle path, then in no case should he ride on the carriageway. But if there is none, then the right edge of the carriageway is the permitted place of movement.
In addition to the above rules, there are several more clarifications. It is possible to move on the carriageway only if the width of the bicycle is more than 1 meter and if the movement of cyclists is carried out in a column.
You can only move on the sidewalk or footpath if the cyclist accompanies a child under the age of 7 who also travels on a bicycle. Or if a cyclist carries a child in the same age range in his vehicle.
If cyclists move along the right edge of the carriageway, they should only ride in one lane, one after the other. Driving in two rows is allowed only if the overall width of the cyclists is less than 0.75 m.
Cyclists under 14 years of age
Cyclists, who are between 7 and 14 years old, move along sidewalks, bicycle and bicycle paths and pedestrian paths, as well as within pedestrian zones.
Children and adolescents under the age of 14 are not allowed to ride bicycles on the carriageway and on the side of the road. And the movement of cyclists, whose age is less than 7 years, is possible only in pedestrian zones.
There is another important point in the rules regarding traffic in pedestrian zones and other crowded places. According to the rules, the cyclist should not interfere with the movement of all other persons when moving on sidewalks, footpaths, roadsides and pedestrian areas. If an inconvenience for pedestrians is created, then the cyclist must get off the transport and continue to move as a pedestrian.