Aspiring copywriters know that hardly anyone will pay them, unknown to anyone, who have neither a rating, nor a portfolio, "writers" too much money for their works. But some, having already gained solid experience, cannot get out of the lower price category in any way. Why is this happening?

Most often, the reason for the low assessment of the work of a copywriter lies precisely in them. There are usually several reasons, but the main one is indecision, which gives rise to all the others.
Here the winners are those who do not work "directly" from the customer, but depend on the copywriting exchange. On most exchanges, each has a rating, which depends on the duration of work, and on the quantity and quality of completed orders. Yes, only by registering on the exchange, a novice copywriter has access only to the cheapest and simplest orders, then everything depends on him. Over time, he moves into a more highly rated category, he has his own list of customers who want him to do the work for them.
But depending on the exchange is also not always convenient. There may be their own, internal conditions, there a person is more bound by terms, there may be an interruption in orders … Yes, and the exchange takes a certain percentage both from customers and from executors. Many copywriters strive to find a personal customer with whom they will work without intermediaries.
This is where difficulties can arise. The first is friendship with the customer … Yes, such a wonderful thing as friendship can significantly bring down the price. Let's say that the customer and the contractor have been working for a long time, they are happy with each other, they communicate even outside of work, or they can just chat - they have a good relationship. And the performer is sometimes just uncomfortable to “get into a pose” and write to his virtual friend-customer: “Sorry, dear, but isn't it time for you to increase my salary? I already have experience, and I write well, I could do all the same and for a lot of money, even without friendly relations."
Yes, it's so difficult to say, inconvenient … Especially if the performer is an indecisive person. But the customer can also be a clever manipulator - it is not difficult for him to give his employee an extra minute to save an extra few rubles. And sometimes - and a very significant amount.
This does not mean that it is worth giving up personal orders and friendships. But it is also not worth giving up the opportunity to earn decent money on the basis that the customer is a nice person. There is no need to be afraid and lose the customer - if he appreciates the performer, then you can always solve the problem with prices, in extreme cases - find another customer. But no one can solve the material problems of a copywriter for him.
Another mistake a copywriter can make in the pursuit of fast and guaranteed earnings is to take on a very easy and cheap job. As in any business, in writing articles you need to constantly develop, improve your skills. It is not easy, you cannot do without mistakes and losses, but it allows you to gain invaluable experience for the future. But I want to make money now!
And on the Internet you can always find a job that is very easy, for which no one will pay much. And now a copywriter, quite capable of more, writes small announcements, answers some questions - for mere pennies … Such work cannot be justified even by gaining experience and rating - it often does not give anything at all to the mind or heart, but only a momentary small earnings. Having counted how many signs a person has "filled" in such a "job" and translating it into a more or less normal price, and then compare with what he received, it's time to cry …
One conclusion can be drawn from all this - you should value your time, your work and efforts. And you shouldn't think that the saying “you’re worthless”, which is an insult in everyday life, is a compliment for a professional.