When, when compiling a resume, the points about education and experience have already been described, when, after painful reflections, the "value" of oneself as an employee is named, all contacts are indicated, the column "Business and personal qualities" remains empty. Questions arise - is it necessary to fill out this item at all, and if so, then what to write?

Although the item "Business and personal qualities" is not the most important thing when writing a resume (after all, the most important thing is knowledge and experience), it is still necessary to fill it out, even despite the fact that not all personnel officers look through this data. However, if the desired position is associated with close contacts with people, top management, then the employer will pay close attention to this item.
However, you should not describe your merits on several pages, ascribing to yourself all the universal virtues. You need to present yourself intelligently, relevantly and with restraint. And this assumes that there can be no more than five declared positive characteristics about yourself!
The qualities indicated should be related to the position. After all, middle management positions do not need charisma and leadership qualities, but communication skills and stress resistance are important for all employees without exception. The tone when filling out this item is supposed to be very restrained, and humor should be completely absent, because it is not welcomed not only in this place, but also when filling out a resume in general. When describing personal qualities, you should not rely on templates. You just need to be aware of what characteristics a given type of activity needs, maybe not at all positively assessed under other circumstances. For example, in some cases corrosiveness and pedantry will be considered the most necessary qualities.
It is necessary to be fully aware that the characteristics described simply must correspond to reality. That is, if such a quality as punctuality is indicated, then being late for a meeting with a recruiter is impossible even for a split second.
Confusion may arise when filling out this section of the resume, and it is simply necessary to write at least something about yourself. In this often, in general, case, it must be remembered that the employer welcomes such qualities as the willingness to work overtime and excellent learning ability. And if this is true, then you can safely declare yourself from this perspective. Well, if, nevertheless, there is no willingness to work more than the allotted time, then it is worth probing yourself for the presence of such qualities as honesty, poise, hard work, initiative and the absence of bad habits. If there is any of the above, then you can safely declare exactly this.