Many of us sooner or later come to the idea of changing public transport to our own car. It also happens that the owner of the car, having driven it for some time, sells it in the hope of buying a new one. In both cases, you cannot do without concluding a contract.

In what form is the sales contract drawn up?
You can sell a car under a simple written agreement. By their mutual agreement, the parties can certify their transaction with a notary. In this case, there will be additional costs associated with the registration of the necessary papers. The car sale and purchase agreement is drawn up in three copies: one for the parties and the traffic police body, in which the purchased car will then be registered.
What should be in the contract
The contract for the sale of a car must consist of several sections. It begins with a preamble, which indicates the date of the contract, as well as full information about its parties. In addition, the title should be written: "The contract of purchase and sale of the car."
The main part of the contract is its subject. The model of the car, its color, year of manufacture, mileage must be present here. In addition, it is necessary to indicate the state number of the car, as well as the numbers of its main units (body, engine). In order to prevent the buyer from having problems in the future, it is advisable to make a clause in the subject of the contract that the vehicle being sold is not hijacked, pledged, under arrest, and that there are no rights to it from third parties.
In the section of the contract concerning the cost of the car, you should describe not only the sale price, but also the procedure for paying it. Ideally, the wording will sound that the seller received the money for the car from the buyer before or at the time of signing the contract.
The contract must also contain clauses concerning the technical condition of the machine. It is important to indicate here all external and internal defects of the car that were identified by the parties when signing the contract. These provisions will help to protect the seller from possible claims from the buyer regarding the quality of the sold car. In addition, information about the condition of the car will not interfere with the buyer.
The parties must agree in the contract a list of those documents and things that are transferred with the machine. This includes documents for the car, a set of keys, necessary accessories (wheels and tires, car radio, tools, spare parts, etc.).
The contract is completed by the details and signatures of the parties. If an agreement is concluded between citizens, then their full name, place of residence, as well as passport data and contact phone number are indicated. In the event that a car is purchased from a company, the contract is additionally sealed with its seal.