The merchandiser promotes the company's products through the retail network. In fact, this is the face of the company, because he works directly with sellers, and through them - with buyers and customers. Its main task is to maintain a positive image of the company, control the availability of goods, the correct layout on the shelves in the store. It is necessary to write a merchandiser resume taking into account the specifics of this position.

Step 1
Explore the sample resumes posted on the Internet. Prepare your resume in accordance with the standard requirements. When filling out the first paragraph about the education received, please note that there are no special requirements for this position. The successful work of a merchandiser depends more on his personal qualities than on what kind of education he received. Therefore, many companies are happy to accept students for this position.
Step 2
List your places of work and positions that you occupied in reverse calendar order, starting with the last one. Don't worry if you have no practical experience in consumer goods distribution - many large companies recruit and train employees for this position.
Step 3
If you have such work experience, then in your resume in the "Professional skills" section, be sure to indicate that you are familiar with the characteristics of the assortment, product standards. Write if you know the basics of psychology that are important for interacting with buyers and salespeople. If in previous jobs you were engaged in displaying goods, organizing retail space, decorating windows and developing promotions for product promotion, be sure to mention this.
Step 4
In your resume, write about your personal qualities that are needed by representatives of this profession: presentable, solid appearance, sociability, high efficiency, responsibility, learning ability, purposefulness. An additional plus will be basic knowledge of a foreign language, the presence of a car and a category B driver's license.
Step 5
Mention that you plan to use your experience in this position as a start to your career and subsequently take up a position in the marketing department. By doing this, you will demonstrate to the employer your healthy ambition and motivation for the results of your work. In trade, active and interested workers are needed.