If you are applying for a job at a bank, be very careful with your resume. It should be clearly structured, concise and rigorous. With its help, you must convince the employer that you are the most suitable candidate for him. In the case of looking for a job in a bank, this means that you must have either work experience in a bank, or at least a good understanding of its activities, basic services and principles of organization.

Step 1
Remember, a good resume shouldn't be more than one page long. Often, HR managers simply don't have enough time to read long resumes. In addition, it is very important for a bank employee to be able to think systematically and to summarize the main essence of the matter. Having this skill should also follow from your resume.
Step 2
The first four columns of your resume should include your last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth, contact details, and the title of the position you are applying for. It is advisable to state the position clearly (for example, account manager, tax lawyer, etc.).
Step 3
In the "Education" column, indicate where you studied. It will be enough to indicate the university, faculty and years of study. If you have additional education, which will only be a plus, write about it too. Also, do not forget to write about the level of proficiency in foreign languages.
Step 4
The most important column is "work experience". The banking sector is considered to be rather closed; they prefer to hire specialists in banks, mainly with banking experience. If you are a young specialist and you do not have one, then indicate the internships or internships that you took in banks. Experienced professionals who decide to try to get a job in a bank should describe their experience in previous jobs in such a way as to show it as closely related to the responsibilities that will need to be performed in the bank.
Step 5
Closes the summary of the column "Personal data". Indicate your strengths that, in your opinion, would make you a good specialist (responsibility, focus on results, etc.).
Step 6
It is advisable (but not necessary) to write on your resume about your marital status. In some cases (for sales and customer service managers) it is important to have a license and your own car. If you are applying for such positions, then do not forget to indicate this.