If you are preoccupied with finding a job, then you definitely need to write a resume - reference data about yourself, your education and work experience. Your task is to draw up this document in such a way as to interest the employer. After reading the resume, he should distinguish it from the rest and invite you for an interview.

Step 1
Writing a resume for job search must follow the general rules. Organize its text into sections. They should reflect general information about you, your education, work experience and additional information that can characterize you in a positive way.
Step 2
The resume text should be as short as possible. State information clearly, correctly, follow a logical sequence. You can make a detailed resume only if a recruiting agency has contacted you and you are interested in the employer as a specialist who is well known in his field.
Step 3
Write your personal information and list the educational institutions in which you received special education. Indicate their name, year of graduation and specialty received. If you then continued your education in the workplace, attended trainings and attended refresher courses, mention that too.
Step 4
The most important section is your hands-on experience. For information about the enterprises where you worked, write in reverse calendar order, starting from the last place of work. The date of admission and dismissal, the name of the company, the position held and the duties that you performed should be indicated.
Step 5
If you are writing a resume for a specific job, redistribute information about your job responsibilities. Those that are not related to the area where you are looking for work, mention briefly. List in detail those functions you are performing that correspond to the job requirements of this vacancy.
Step 6
In the additional information section, you should not extol yourself by listing your positive qualities. Better yet, share your professional accomplishments, such as how you increased your sales, or indicate the amount of profit from the implementation of your innovation proposals.
Step 7
List also those knowledge and skills that may be useful to you at a new workplace - the level of proficiency in foreign languages, special software products, knowledge of the basics of office work or law.
Step 8
Prepare your resume correctly, check it for mistakes, proofread and correct them. If you are sending your resume by e-mail, accompany it with a letter and indicate the subject: "resume of so-and-so for such and such a vacancy." This will help the HR employee to quickly find the document if necessary.