You have made the decision to start looking for a job. Where do you start?

Start by fleshing out your goal. Decide what kind of work you want to get: position, job responsibilities, company specifics, location of the company, salary, working conditions …
Secondly, make a resume - this is your "face", "business card". Indicate in the resume personal data, education data, information about previous jobs, as well as professional knowledge, skills and abilities. Ideally, a resume should be in both electronic and paper versions. Specialized sites will help you with resume writing.
Third, tell your community that you are looking for a job - sometimes word of mouth is faster and more efficient than other methods. Let family, friends, and acquaintances know that you are looking for a job. The more people you tell about it, the higher the likelihood that you will be offered it sooner. Social networks will help you with the "alert".
Use specialized sites to find a job: look at ads on specialized job search sites, send resumes to your favorite vacancies, call the employer and sign up for interviews. The more you “apply” to vacancies by submitting your resume, the more likely you are to find a suitable job faster.
Use other Internet resources: pay attention to professional sites, communities and forums - are there any vacancies in your profile? Go to the sites of potential employers - most sites have a "vacancies" section or an email address for communication.
Go to the labor exchange and see the vacancies posted there. In addition, the labor exchange offers options for training and retraining - this will interest those who have planned to change their field of activity or have long dreamed of starting their own business.
Buy specialized newspapers with posted jobs.
Good luck in your job search!