Conflict is a clash of interests, two different points of view, which means that it is inevitable in any team. Psychologists divide work conflicts into 2 types: functional - giving impetus to development, and dysfunctional - destroying relationships and interfering with full-fledged work. How can you avoid the latter?

Step 1
When it seems that everything is going wrong - colleagues gossip behind their backs, the boss is dissatisfied with the work, the main thing is to be able to cope with your emotions. Suppression of feelings can lead to chronic stress and even depression, so it is worth learning to replace negative emotions with neutral ones. For example, the claims of another employee can be answered not with anger, but with surprise. Remember how the expression on the face of a very surprised person changes: raise your eyebrows, round your eyes and respond to your colleague's dissatisfaction with only the question "Do you really think so?" An unexpected move will give you time to recover, calm down, and formulate your thoughts. And only then in a calm, confident voice, you can speak on the merits.
Step 2
If there is a misunderstanding with the manager, in no case start to sort things out in the presence of colleagues and subordinates. Not only will this aggravate the conflict, but it will also significantly lower your credibility. Do not discuss the actions of management with other employees, do not spread gossip and avoid empty criticism - all this is unlikely to go unnoticed, and the attitude towards you will be spoiled.
Step 3
It is better to throw out your negativity not on the people with whom you work in the same team, but using more humane methods. You can tear paper into small pieces, sort out the rosary, squeeze a small ball in your hand. Physical activity relieves anger well: leave the office and run up the stairs or walk around the building. If possible, decorate your workplace with a dart board. Dart throwing not only relieves nervous tension, but also helps to concentrate.
Step 4
Smile! Try to set a friendly tone on your own when communicating with colleagues. Determine what you fear the most. Layoffs? But maybe this is a chance to find a better job. Indeed, in any case, the accumulated knowledge, skills and abilities will remain with you.