It's great if every working day is a holiday for you. You are a happy person and you are an exception from the mainstream. More often it happens that you seem to like work, but the monotony of days and stressful situations lead to a decrease in mood. And there it is not far from depression.

If you are far away from vacation, and on weekends you do not have time to recover, then you should resort to the following tips.
Disassemble the workplace

The workplace is where we spend most of our time. If it is littered with unnecessary papers, notes, then it takes a lot of time to find the necessary material. We're getting nervous. Therefore, it is worth taking time and organizing things and files, doing the ergonomics of space. So you will get rid of unnecessary worries that you cannot find something or have lost.
Plan your work day

Planning can help make the day easier. Write down all the upcoming tasks for the day and divide them into groups. With this approach, perhaps you will see that some of them can be delegated. Set challenging tasks in the first half of the day, when you still have strength. And be sure, completing the task, cross it out of the diary. So it will be clear that the process is going on and you are not mired in a routine.

When the break comes, you shouldn't sit and stare at the opposite wall while eating sandwiches. Or worse, spending your lunch break finishing work. After lunch, go outside. Take a walk, get some fresh air, chat with colleagues, warm up.
Find your energy boost

Take short breaks. We worked for an hour - we took a five-minute break. During this break, listen to your favorite track, call a friend or relative, read anecdotes, make a plan for the weekend. In general, do something that cheers you up. And thanks to this change of activity, in the future you will better concentrate on work.
To always be in a good mood at work, you should take care of your condition after a hard day. It is good to relieve stress with sports - a walk, a swimming pool, a gym. And before going to bed, stay for thirty minutes in silence, over a mug of chamomile tea. Then the next working day will be much easier.