Conflicts are inevitable in any, even the smallest and most friendly team. There can be many reasons for conflicts. And if you know them, then many conflict situations can be easily avoided.

Step 1
If you stand out favorably from the team, do your job in an exemplary manner, your bosses may appreciate you more - praise you on "operatives", set you up as an example in front of others, pay higher salaries. The rest of your colleagues may envy you and start putting spokes in the wheels. To avoid this, build a friendly relationship with your colleagues. Be extremely polite and correct with them, do not refuse requests, support in difficult situations, cover in front of your superiors - in a word, show that you are in the same boat with them.
Step 2
Sometimes, on the contrary, a situation arises when you do not cope with your duties, let your colleagues down, and therefore they do not really like you. This often applies to newcomers or older people who are suddenly transferred to another position. There is only one way out: improve your qualifications, go to courses, work out on your own. It is not shameful to ask for help from colleagues - this is the first step to mutual understanding. Just do not impose and ask to do the work for you.
Step 3
Newcomers to the team are often treated with caution, especially if the team has long been established. A beginner, one might say, is baptized by fire. Here conflicts and difficulties are inevitable. You just need to endure, not to snap back and not to be provoked.
Step 4
In any team there are especially unpleasant types who annoy and harass everyone. Try to avoid them and do not enter into a showdown with them. They are just waiting for this. Conflicts are their element. You need to avoid conflict.