It is impossible to get rid of the culture of gossip in the work collective. She was and will always be, especially in the women's team. However, observing certain principles of communication, you can protect yourself from gossip at work, and make the working atmosphere more pleasant.

It's very difficult to resist not gossiping about someone at work. Especially, people are interested in "smelly" information. By transmitting gossip, individuals "assert themselves," however, no one wants to be gossiped about him. It has been noticed that those who have little interest in the life of their colleagues are themselves little condemned in the team. If you do not want to be the target of rumors, there are certain ways to do this.
Do not distribute such information
Listen to the gossip politely, you can even talk a little about this topic, but you should not spread it among your colleagues. Let someone else do it, but not you.
Mind your own business
Don't try to find out about other people's lives. It always seems that the other person lives without problems, easier and better. However, not everything is what it seems.
Do not judge
For some reason, people think they have the right to condemn other individuals. Nobody knows the details of their life, and for what reason they did so in one case or another.
Any collective, especially a female one, is always filled with gossip and rumors. It is savored and passed on by word of mouth, making the work environment unbearable. They talk about everything, from the quality of work to the details of personal life. It is difficult to refrain from “interesting” information, but you need to suppress the desire to condemn others, because “do not judge, but you will not be judged”.