Most adults spend most of their lives at work, at least 8 hours daily from Monday to Friday. Therefore, it is not surprising that stress at work becomes the cause of frequent nervous breakdowns and disorders, which are often found in residents of large cities. The causes that cause them cannot be eliminated on their own, and this threatens that constant stress will develop into the same prolonged depression. And it can affect health in the most detrimental way.

The main factors causing irritation and stress
In the work collective, where, as a rule, employees are in approximately equal conditions, and there is no subordination, the human factor is of great importance. Many workers admit that they are very annoyed by their colleagues. Some of them can talk on the phone all day, loudly discussing their personal affairs or constantly calling young and not so children. Someone is not taught to observe elementary hygiene standards, someone brings from home and constantly eats too "fragrant" dishes, someone thinks that everything is common in the office and constantly strives to sit down at someone else's computer or take some stationery.
The manager, as standing higher in the hierarchical ladder, can make a remark to an employee whose behavior may interfere with the work of others. But this must be done face to face.
Many working people live paycheck to paycheck, so delays or magnitude are another source of stress. Not a single person will be able to calmly work and rest at the end of a working day, when he exists in conditions of financial instability. A person will not be able to give their best in the workplace when they think they are underestimated and paid less than they deserve. It also becomes a cause of constant worry and stress.
In some cases, the cause of stress is outdated and constantly breaking office equipment, which, in fact, is a faulty work tool.
Too much work or, conversely, no work, also does not contribute to peace of mind and stability. A large amount of work is the result of planning errors. It requires from the employee prolonged and excessive exertion of physical and mental abilities, but when, despite this, his work does not decrease, but even accumulates, a feeling of hopelessness, constant anxiety and chronic fatigue may arise. Constant anxiety and lack of confidence in their own strengths and capabilities can torment the employee who does not receive assignments in those volumes that correspond to his abilities.
If you lead a team
The main task of the manager is to organize the work of the team entrusted to him in such a way as to ensure the maximum return from each employee. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that the influence of irritating factors is minimal, which, of course, will increase the performance of everyone. To achieve the ideal state of affairs in which productivity is maximized and the number of stressful situations is minimal, it is necessary to analyze the impact of all aspects and eliminate the causes that interfere with normal operation.