Every second inhabitant of a metropolis is subject to work stress. First of all, the main causes of stress are working conditions and personal characteristics of the employee. How to overcome fatigue and neurosis?

According to statistics, 62% of the population have a long work week and are forced to put up with irregular work schedules. Of course, the body accumulates tiredness during this time, psychoemotional exhaustion occurs.
The employee ceases to adequately assess his capabilities, and his self-esteem falls, and hence the efficiency of work. Since a person can no longer fully devote himself to work.
The main causes of stress are:
- A large amount of information received (the employee does not have time to cover the entire process of work);
- Incorrect distribution of working time;
- There is no clear structure within the organization (goals are set incorrectly);
- No career advancement;
- Too much downtime (no work);
- Lack of motivation;
- Personal conflicts in the team.
How to deal with stress in the workplace? There are some simple rules:
- Create a work schedule - start a diary and plan every day strictly.
- Take some time to relax - make yourself a rule that when you walk out of the door of the company, you forgot about work. Unplug your phone an hour before bed and on weekends. Your coworkers need to understand that you have personal time.
- Take a daily 20-minute walk, the flow of fresh air to the head generates brain activity.
- Read books - make yourself a selection of interesting literature, not for study at work, but for enjoyment.
- Resign yourself to the fact that you cannot constantly control everything. People who try to control everything are most prone to stress.
- Avoid irritable people and conflict situations, do not react to provocations, be silent and tactful. Anyway, the argument will not bring you pleasure.
Find a middle ground in your workplace - you shouldn't take too much responsibility on yourself and you shouldn't completely relax and sit back playing solitaire on the computer. Enjoy your workflow. Be less nervous!