Downsizing is an unpleasant procedure that no one is immune from. If it happens that it is inevitable, this is not a reason to panic: life goes on, and the task of an employee who has such a prospect is to find a new job faster and get the maximum payments from the current employer.

Step 1
According to the Labor Code, the employer is obliged to warn you about the upcoming layoff two months in advance. If this deadline is violated, you can safely apply for the protection of your interests to the labor inspectorate and the court. In addition, the courts do not charge a state duty when accepting claims in labor disputes, and when considering such cases, they most often take the side of the employee. you can get free legal aid. In Moscow, it is provided by the Zashchita Center under the capital's Federation of Independent Trade Unions. It is represented in each administrative district, as a rule, it is located in the same premises as the district office of the FNPR. It is possible that there are similar structures in other regions.
Step 2
Upon dismissal, the employer is also required to pay you severance pay in the amount of the average earnings for two months (this calculates the average monthly earnings for the year: the annual income is divided by twelve, and the resulting amount is multiplied by two). The average monthly earnings include not only the salary, but also other payments: additional payments depending on the output, bonuses, etc. If you did not have time to take the leave or part of it that was due for the worked period, you should also be paid compensation for the unused vacation. find a new job in two months, the employer is obliged to pay you another monthly salary, but for this you must be registered as unemployed at the employment center. Those laid off due to layoffs have the right to count on the maximum unemployment benefit.
Step 3
In practice, the various gradual reductions in the benefit stipulated by law do not affect its amount, especially in Moscow. Its maximum value is usually significantly lower than the part of the salary that cannot exceed the maximum amount of the allowance. To register with the employment center, you will need a certificate of income in the form of the employment service. It is best to take its form from the center and take it to the employer's accounting department. Help on the 2-NDFL form is not suitable for these purposes, but take it too: you never know what you need.
Step 4
Collect as many recommendations as possible: from the head of the organization, immediate superior, colleagues. Try to include not only work numbers, but also mobile phones (of course, with the consent of the referee): any of the authors of the recommendation letters may change jobs one day. You can start looking for a new job from the moment you know about the upcoming reduction. It is up to you to decide whether to leave immediately for a new job, quitting of your own free will, or to wait for a reduction with due payments. In some cases, the option of a new job may be more profitable.
Step 5
A controversial issue is how the record in the work book about the reduction in further career prospects is reflected. It is believed that many personnel officers and employers look with suspicion at candidates whose work books contain at least one wording about the reasons for dismissal, which differs from the option “of their own free will.” Nevertheless, practice shows that those who have been laid off often find new jobs without problems. - and sometimes not worse, or even better than the previous one.