Not all work is enjoyable and peaceful. Quite the opposite. In most cases, you experience stress of a different nature: physical, psychological, emotional. It is necessary to get rid of it in time so that your activity has good results.

Step 1
Take short breaks. After work, you can go to the gym, sauna, home, where you can relax and put your nervous system in order. Doing the same in your workplace is quite problematic, and your colleagues are unlikely to understand you. Therefore, take short breaks during your working day, during which you can put yourself in order by completing a set of exercises.
Step 2
Get some privacy while doing the exercises. Find a room where no one will bother you. It is best if it is ventilated. Depending on the complexity of the work, the exercises should be done 5-7 times a day for 2-7 minutes.
Step 3
Tighten all muscle groups. When, as a result of constant stress, the muscles are in tension, they begin to give it out, which gradually affects your emotional state. In order to relieve muscle tension, you need to engage all muscle groups.
Step 4
Clench your hands into fists, bending your wrists. Raise your shoulders and bend your elbows, bring your shoulder blades together and lower them down. Tighten all the muscles in your face: frown and close your eyes. Your abs, glutes, and thighs should also be tense. There should not be a single muscle that you would not strain. Then count to 10. On the count of 10, relax, sit back and take a deep breath. The exercise should be done 5-7 times a day. It effectively copes with stress, bouts of fear and self-doubt.
Step 5
Try to understand which muscles are tense after stress. Parts of everything are shoulders and arms. Do some relaxing movements. Then tense these muscle groups as hard as you can and relax again. This will help you cope with the emotions that are overwhelming you faster.
Step 6
Try to completely relax before bed to avoid overexertion at work. When you wake up, tone all your muscles: yawn, stretch, shake your arms and legs.